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NOLAVA Lotus Eye Pillow

Lotus Eye Pillow from Nolava Designs

Life is so busy, and the pace continues to pick up with each year that passes. We all of us take on more and more responsibility. Work, community, kids, aging parents the list goes on.  But the one thing so few of us seem to find the time to do is take care of ourselves.  It’s one of life’s’ constancies, we always put self-last!

So, it’s no wonder burn out and stress are the number one problem that we hear so much about.  

NOLAVA Designs began almost 3 years ago. From the beginning our ethos has been to develop items that we hope will support you in some way on your wellness journey.  Whether it’s offering a way to escape from the daily grind by taking 10 minutes to focus, breathe and create some calm in your day.  Or maybe it’s to support more rest and improve sleep patterns.   

 The Lotus Eye Pillow from NOLAVA Designs is made with you in mind.  Hand made using Organic materials this Weighted Eye Pillow contains Lavender buds and Flax seeds. We like to think of it as a ‘tiny weighted blanket’ for your eyes.  It delivers a combined treatment benefit of gentle, soothing Lavender aromatherapy to calm and nurture a sense of wellbeing and the gentle acupressure effect of flax seeds gently resting across the eyes and sinuses.  We’ve had so much feedback about our weighted lavender eye pillow and its benefits many people use it routinely to drift off to sleep, and some to deepen Savasana at the end of their yoga practice. 

Purple is the color associated with the Crown Chakra, the 7th Chakra it sits at the top of the ladder and resides at the top of the head. Maintaining harmony and balance of this chakra is essential to a creative and fulfilled life. 

We chose purple for our first wellness product, the Lotus Weighted Eye Pillow to harness the energy of this Chakra and to help you create a connection with the Universe.  Purple is linked to many positive elements in the World, happiness, clarity of thought, and abundance.

In your busy day try to find a comfortable, quiet space to relax.  Place the weighted lavender eye pillow over your closed eyes.  Clear your mind, inhale deeply as you feel the stretch of your lungs as they fill with air, slowly exhale and imagine the air flowing over you, like a gentle ribbon, softly flowing up your spine to the top of your head. Imagine you are floating on the breeze, feel the coolness as it envelops your body and calms your mind.  If your mind wanders bring it back to your breath.  Start with 8 to 10 breaths and work up to more as you gain more practice.  Slowly open your eyes, look around, and gently rise.  How do you feel now? Make a mental checklist, it’s a good way to build your inner strength and calm.

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